Preserve Venoms

Preserve Venoms
List: Master Assassin
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Venom Master
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Normally, a venom only lasts for 3 months. By use of this skill and a preservative, the character can make the venom last 1 year from the month it was extracted (not 1 year from when it was preserved). Therefore, a venom extracted during the June Event in 2019 will last until the end of the June Even in 2020.

To acquire the preservative, the character can either purchase it or make it themselves. To make the preservative they must spend 10 minutes in- game mixing the following components:

  •  1 Embalming Oil, 1 doses of Cup of Alcohol, 1 dose of Brine, which creates 1 dose of Preservative


When they are done, they can get a tag from Treasure or an appropriate marshal by handing in their component tags. The preservative has an indefinite shelf life and can be used at any time after it was created – just like Alchemy.

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